A Case Demonstrating the Need to Emphasize Wellness as a Treatment Focus for Substance Abuse Disorders

Baron DA ,Lamb CS

Published Date: 2016-12-31
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The relationship between mood disorders and alcohol use/abuse is well documented in the extant literature. The patient may not view drinking as a relevant etiology of their mood complaints, and may not always appreciate alcohol use as a self-medicating “treatment” and cause of depressed mood. This situation is compounded by being in social or occupational organizations where drinking is an accepted (and expected) part of the “culture,” such as sports, certain business roles, and the military. Over the past few decades, significant advances have been made in gaining a better understanding of the etiology and treatment of alcohol and substance use disorders. As neuroscience continues to provide new data to better explain the etiology and treatment of these disorders, the need for clinicians to not forget the critical role of healthy living and wellness must not be neglected. This case report highlights the role of wellness strategies and an integrated approach in the treatment of substance use disorders.

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