
Families that Live with Disorders Related to Substances and Addiction

The study of the importance of the family to understand people’s conflicts and suffering originated with the branch of psychology that focuses on family relations. Starting in the 1960s, the family was definitely included in clinical practice with the advent of the Family Therapy systemic models (COSTA, 2010). The core premise of this approach is that the family is a living and open system under constant transformation. It is known that changes occur in the family according to the transformations in the society that comprises it. Thus, family composition is often diverse and is liable to have several arrangements. However, despite the transformations in family configurations, its foreground role remains unaltered. The family is the basis of
personal development and the matrix of models and references, i.e., the foundation that manages to support its members. It is also the primary source of socialization and bonding.


Cassandra Borges Borton

Abstract | Full-Text | PDF

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